Blogging SL, second life, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Say Goodbye to Mr Squeak.(Dollarbie).

Yup, the hamster is no more, he has been added to the trash pile and as much as it hurts me so will this Dollarbie shirt and maybe even the jeans which came from a shop no longer in SL.

Basically the Sweet Intoxication shop has a few hunts going on so when you go into the shop on the wall to your left is the pictures of the prizes and hints. I found the “The Grumpy Santa” hunt prize first so I paid my 1Ld and then TP’d home.

Although the picture shows 2 colours I can only see this grey one which I do really like. It’s a classic SL style shirt, tied under the boobs and the grey has a slight satin sheen to it. There are also hunt prizes for me and for 3Lds there is another “classic” SL style sweatshirt/top which I have just not in the very pretty pink or red colour.

PS. Lots of fits for the shirt.

Sweet Intoxication.

Blogging SL, second life, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Sorted! (Ricielli 15Ld Hunt & Update on missing pictures).

Ricielli is another place I regularly visit and finally the hunt has changed from Easter to Halloween. As always an excellent mix of clothing from dresses to lingerie and only a hint of halloween as the theme of this range is classy and elegant.

There are no demo’s for you to try I am pretty sure that since these bargains are shop quality all you need to do is wander around the Ricielli shop and find the other colours on sale for full price and you will be able to try a demo.

I think most of us know the Ricielli brand so I’d say as long as you check the colour code used to show which sizes the items come in then you don’t need to try a demo as its all Ricielli quality.

In this picture the blouse and shorts are seperate purchase and I did have to buy them in my SLink HG fit. I will of course try them on my SLink P and I’m keeling my SLink Fingers crossed that they will fit that one as well but no loss if they don’t.

As for the “Update”. I worked out why some pictures are missing from the blog and thats because some how they were accidentally deleted from the media library.


Blogging SL, Pure Eggs & Spam @ Inworldz, second life

Do not under any circumstance Google “Dead Mouse”! And a reminder 15Ld Hunt Gifts.

Yup my computer mouse died and I was going to post a picture of a “Dead mouse” for this post…bad bad idea! I should have googled “Dead computer mouse” lol.

Of course, I have alternatives ie an old nasty wired mouse but seriously going from a Bluetooth to a USB mouse is a pain in the rear end so I decided it was time to log off SL/Work etc and go do something else and until Amazon Prime delivers my goodies I will leave you with this.

Ricielli is another shop I visit at least twice a week in the hopes that the “hunt” had been updated and as of yesterday it’s still Easter at Ricielli.

I’m sure the prizes are only 15Lds each so you can score yourself some excellent quality clothing.  On the top right hand of the picture is a legend which shows you the colour dots for the fits.  Sadly there is less for my fav fit but plenty of options for others.

PS.  I don’t imagine this will happen but if in the past 24 hours this Easter Hunt has gone I’m pretty sure it will have been replaced with either a seasonal one or a Halloween based one.  Ricielli is well known for this hunt so for it not to have changed in so many months means stuff is going on with the designer/shop owner etc and we can only keep our fingers crossed its good things.


Blogging SL, Pure Eggs & Spam @ Inworldz, second life

50, 25 or 0. (FLF, Gacha & Freebie(s))

I had to scrap the pictures I took last night as this FLF offer from Mina suits this 25Ld Gacha prize perfectly.

I don’t think Mina has ever had an FLF offer out, that’s “Fifty Linden Friday” if you’re new to SL or if she has it was so long ago I’d forgotten.

“Luane” is obviously very “Hippy Chic” and of course you get a hud to change the hairband colour. This is my copy but I can see from the picture used that as usual with Mina each purchase gets you a fat pack of colours, ie 30 blondes or 30 browns or 30 pastels etc and the full 12 texture hud for the hairband.  I’ll put the link to the Seraphim blog so you can check it out as well as the full FLF list.

Plus, just another reminder as a lot of us do have budgets to live to and that’s to check out the Gacha’s in Mina’s shop. I believe all but one of them are only 75Lds, obviously, you can price check and also try the demos out but again some of my fav hairs are in those Gachas.

Which brings me to the dress as it too is a Gacha prize.

I picked it up from “Sweet Lies”.  All of the Gacha’s in the shop are just 25Lds which is horrible as at that price and some super prizes it was really hard to just pick one.  I picked this outfit purely because the prizes were all this dress just in different colours.  You will also find that the non Gacha outfits are also super bargains as I know the ones I price checked were just 69Lds.

As for the “Freebie(s)”.  There is a …Group Gift of an oversized crown and I really did want it but even wearing the Group Tag it wouldn’t work.  It might just have been a glitch so I will give it another try when I return to LM grab.  To make up for that I’m showing you these very pink shoes which come from the “Add Design” shop.

BTW out of curiosity I checked the “Sweet Lies” Marketplace shop and you can see that they used to see very RP and Gor themed outfits which is quite different from their new Kawaii, girlie, soft designs they have now.

Mina’s Mainshop.(FLF Hair).

Seraphim.(List, LM’s and Pictures for FLF).

Sweet Lies.(Dress).

Add Design. (Shoes, behind you and they’re a SL Frees & Offers Gift).

Blogging SL, Pure Eggs & Spam @ Inworldz, second life

It’s a Wash. (Cheapies, bargains, freebies(?)).

The “The Wash” event is open which means a lot of cheap treats, clothing and decor.  I’ve only done one small bit of this event and already picked up a freebie, not shown, and 2 outfits both of which come with matching shoes.

This outfit is only 10Lds for both the dress and shoes.  Both the shoes and the dress have some quality detailing on them, the zip down the back of the dress is particularly good.

The only reason I’m not showing you the other outfit, which cost 20Lds, is that I hadn’t spotted that it’s SLink fit was the Hourglass one and I couldn’t be bothered to change bodies.

I’m hoping the LM will take you to the stall I got this outfit from as I’ve forgotten its name…sorry.

The Wash.

Blogging SL, Pure Eggs & Spam @ Inworldz, second life

Almost but not quite.(New 10Ld Belle Epoque Group Gift).

I’ve just deleted all the info on the 30Ld Sat offer and the Saturday Sales offer because if you go over to Belle Epoque to pick these New Group Gifts up you’re going to see them for yourself.

These boots are not on the wall to your left where all the other gifts are, these are on the wall to your right where the offers are and that’s because these boots will match one of the offers….it will be clear once you go there.

Only one fit so I’m assuming that’s a Maitreya. I’ve deliberately left the breakthrough showing as I don’t think I’ll be able to get a pair of mesh jeans, I’m wearing Blueberry ones, to fit under the boots and this means you can see the fit on me and make your mind up.  Of course these could just as easily be worn with shorts, skirt or Omega layered pair of leggings.

PS.  You could, of course, check out the Belle shop as chances are these boots are available in different colours at full price but that way you can try a demo on for yourself AND remember there is a SALE going on and at 50% off even I treated myself to something.

PPS. If you’ve been sending me messages inworld, I thank you, but SL caps everything nowadays lol.  So if you have sent me a message and I’ve not responded pop it in a note.

Belle Epoque