Blogging SL, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Damn I’m sorry!

I got a notice off Laurent83 Waco a few days ago that there was a whole load of Valentines goodies set out plus some New Group Gifts but I only managed to pop over this morning to check them out and I’m kicking myself.

Because time is short for both me and you if you want to make a special effort for someone tonight I’ve cheated and taken the pictures in Laurent’s shop Follow Us.  I’m not going to buy everything I see because I don’t do romance but if you do and like me you’ve either left it to the last minute or are stuck for ideas then can’t do much better than here.


OK maybe not that romantic lol a dead cupid would make a great gift for someone who have loved and lost cos they dumped you or in my case I’m a twisted sort of girl so when I LM grab I might just grab Cupid and shove his dead corpse under my bed…I’ve done that before with a dead Nun I also shoved that under Faiths bed once.  Actually if this turns out to be a Trans item you could use it as a way of saying “Ta Ra” to someone you want to dump….just a suggestion LOL.

I’ve always been a fan of Laurents stuff because his stuff is idiot proof and often comes with a cheeky twist.  Lots of things are rezzed fully set up and basically just so good to look at.  So anyone no matter how little skill or time a person has a couple of clicks is all it takes to set up not just a romantic scene but in his shop you have everything you need to fully furnish a whole house/skybox etc


The other thing I’ve always chuckled at was how something can look so innocent at first till you zoom in close.  Take this make up/toiletry box for example.  I already have an older version of this and know that if you touch it the lid opens and closes and it’s only when it’s opened do you realise the contents are a bit more saucy than some lipsticks and face wipes.  I am pretty sure you have a choice between a copy or trans version so a lovely gift for someone.


I’m definitely going back for this cheeky chappy.  He’s one of quite a few Gacha wins and they’re all so cute until you realise thats not a bone in his mouth LOL.  Although all of the prices in this shop are reasonable it’s nice to see a range of prices and the little dog is only 29Lds a try and I’m going to keep him in my bedroom.


A caged Cupid seems perfect to me LOL.  This poor chap is for sale and you will find him right above the join group sign which I strongly suggest you do.


This is an update because I not only LM grabbed but I also as I said treated myself to one of the French Bull dogs out of the Gacha, I won the one with the blue pills in his mouth lol, and then I reread my note and the Group gift is actually one of these adorable little doggies with a man/womans best friend in it’s mouth (a condom) and I believe a little sign as well.  The Follow Us group isn’t a Free group but it’s just a token 40Lds to join and if you go inside the main shop Laurent keeps ALL of the old GG’s out to be grabbed plus some seriously discounted items so you get your join fee back in spades.

All the Valentine’s goodies are very handily set out outside the main shop in their own mini shop but if you do join the group to find the rest of the gifts go into the main shop, turn to the door on your right and keep on walking because all of the GG’s are in a separate room but honestly easy to find and of course you can have a good look at what else is there to tempt you.  Although a lot of the items are heavily Valentine’s themed there is no reason not to keep a romantic table setting or flowers etc in your home or invent for future use.

Check out the old bathtub which for the moment is only 99Lds and although I’ve not been able to menu check just looking at the promo piccies there are some eye watering moves in there.

Also check out the Marketplace.  I have to confess I’ve not been able to locate the GG French Dog but I’m so happy with the one I have I might just give it a miss but there is a gorgeous Dollarbie of a heart shaped blackboard surrounded by lights and a total of 33 items priced from 0-11Lds waiting to be grabbed or sent as a gift.

Follow Us

Follow Us Marketplace

Blogging SL, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Happy Birthday Fred.

Proof positive that Faith will hop onto any pose ball without question and what a drunken sop she is!

drunkFred, the one wearing the yellow crown, is my little Shetland pony and Faith gave him to me many years ago as a Crimbo/BD gift and I’ve had him out on my land ever since.  I was too busy focusing on Faith and I have drowned out the party boy a little bit LOL.


This is another goodie laidened table from Follow Us and because I chose the Rustic one I decided it was time Fred had a Birthday Party in his stable, you do have a choice of party decor but quite frankly all of them are bright and Summery and guaranteed to make anyone smile when they come inworld and find this scene has been set up for them, you can have it for a Rezz Day or a Birthday.


As usual the heavily laidened table comes all linked which means it cuts down the fiddling with the editing you would need to do to get all of the food and drink set out but with the other decor items you rezz them on their own so that gives you the option of rezzing a little or as much as you want.  Big party balloons with streamers, petals and balloons scattered on the ground, gift bags and boxes.  The Champagne in the glasses have the most perfectly tiny little bubbles that float through your drink but if you’re a boring non drinker like me then the tray of fruit drinks is such a nice touch.  The bales of hay in this party version come with big ribbons and bows and also a pose and non pose version.

This Rustic Version is outside of the shop and you should see it where you rezz but to check out the other options you will have to go into the mainshop and they’re behind the yummie looking Wedding Cakes!


Follow Us is another shop I have to pop into to check out and see if there is any new Group Gifts.  Of course being in the Group notices are sent out but as you can imagine I get so many and that means sometimes a goodie is set out and I don’t know about it because of all the notes and notices I get sent out on a daily basis.  This isn’t a Free to join group but the joining fee is just a token price and there is a whole wall of old Group Gifts so people who have just joined can snag them all and people who have been in the group for a while can grab the latest gift.  But of course if you want to get some bargain priced goodies and you’re not inworld then check out Laurent83Wacos Marketplace shop.  He not only has items started from 0 but lots of shop quality stuff from 10lds and upwards.  I’ve also noticed over the past few months that Laurent has started to put out limited time discounts which are only available from his Marketplace shop.

Follow Us Mainshop

Follow Us Marketplace

Blogging SL, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Be Snappy!

Argh I was having so much fun with this paint set I almost missed out that for only 48 hours this is on special offer on the Marketplace for only 99Lds and I have a sneaky suspicion that 48 hours is up tomorrow.


I’m going to be really cheeky and show you just some of the places I rezzed this desk sized painting set.sketcy

I recognise water-colour paints, personally I use oils mainly because I can slap it on with a palette knife and if anyone questions my artistic abilities I can use the same palette knife on them!


Although none of these pictures were taken on my sim when I get back inworld I’m going to rezz a copy on 2 little decks I have.  If you want a full sized easel and all the items you need to bring out your creativity then there is some amazing full sized kits.  If you want to check this all out before you buy then you can see them inworld as well BUT the special offer price is only on the Marketplace and only for this desk top version.


Whilst I was LM grabbing I of course checked out any new Group Gift and I’m pretty sure the coffee and Oreo tray set is new or at least new to me, this isn’t a free to join group but the 50lds is simply a token price and the Wall of GG’s pays that back in full.  I will try to take a piccie of that tray  but I wanted to get these Easels posted first before the special offer is over.

Also plenty of Dollarbies and 10Lds offers on the Marketplace as well.

Follow Us Marketplace

Follow us Inworld

Blogging SL, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

I Wish!

I’m off for one of my weekend breaks this weekend but unlike my normal cottage weekender’s this is a city break and as much as I’m looking forward to it I really REALLY want to go and look at this….


The Eiffle tower of course.  I’ve been lucky enough to visit Paris twice in my life once as a child and once as a teenager but as an adult it’s still on my wish list of places to go, however my OH has been twice, he goes on cycling holidays and there’s no way I’m putting my sorry ass through all of that work, and on his last visit he not only gave me the obligatory picture of himself and his bike, posing in front of one of the most famous towers in the World he also brought back a tacky and yet beautiful Eiffle tower ornament made of glass and filled with sweeties.  It’s now standing in my kitchen filled with Balsamic Vinegar.

OK enough waffling.  These ornaments come from Follow Us and because they’re another 48 hour discount on the Marketplace I thought I’d get them in quick.  For 99Lds you get the same base colour of silver and the 3 sizes and copyable which you can see I went overboard with in this picture.  The “love” comes with a choice of colours, red, pink or blue (my fav) but they’re in separate packs.  So if you want the blue writing (my fav) then buy the blue pack etc.

Best of all and I almost missed it, I even took a load of piccies before I realised that the V and E of the word have little lights on them and if you click on them they light up.  You have 2 colours white, shown, and random.  Once I’d clicked on them all my whole room was glowing.  I took the picture in my Nams setting but all those little lights brighten and warmed up the room.


I think theses look just as good as stand alone pieces or for something as dramatic such as my mantlepiece.  I’m very much into scene setting and if I had a SL lover then for a romantic evening I’d rezz a whole load of these and a table groaning with food and of course one of the wine ladened trolleys/carts which can also be picked up from the Follow Us Marketplace shop.

Don’t worry because I always finish off my Follow Us posts with a reminder that there are a total of 35 items priced between 1-10Ls and even more 11-100Lds and they’re all brilliant quality.  You can of course for just a token 40Lds join Laurent83Waco’s inworld group and grab everything that’s out for group members.

Follow Us Eiffle Tower

Follow Us inworld

Blogging SL, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

48 Hours.

I was just about to head off to do a Hunt when 2 things dropped on me, the Mina sale and this  Follow Us offer.  For only the next 48 hours these carts have been discounted to less than a 100Lds.  This came with a WOW factor for me because in Faith and PDs home they have a wine cellar and as soon as I saw this I just knew it would be perfect for her home.  So I flew over, disarmed her alarm system, drugged the Alsatian, dodged past the drunk butler, crept downstairs and rezzed a copy in her wine cellar and it looks BRILLIANT!


I can’t believe how well it matches the existing bottles that are there but of course an item like this is very much a stand alone item.


I swear to God I have the self-same glasses in RL.  I’ve taken the pictures in my normal Nams setting and not touched the pictures up at all so you can see for yourself what you’re paying for.


There are other carts available such as a bistro one and a colourful cocktail one or for the tea totalers like me, sad I know, coffee and brownies and much more.

Just like my Mina hair and PumeC skins I have a real reason for loving Follow Us items.  As someone who has been not just an SLer for years but also a shopping whore and at one stage a rental manager the thing I noticed was that great furniture for men was sadly lacking.  Thankfully this isn’t a big issue any more but Follow Us was the first shop that I went into and I thought how much more choice there was for the men in SL and for women who don’t like too much frill and faff.  There is a lot more for us women such as sewing machines, dressing tables, beauty boxes  and yes even kitchens but it is still unfussy and unfaffy.

I was going slightly NUTS because I found them on the MP and then lost them on the MP it turns out that you must be logged into the MP with the adult setting allowed and I wasn’t the second time I went looking for them.  Since they don’t come with an adult menu this is just a little Laurent Blooper LOL.

As usual with the Follow Us Marketplace shop I put the link to the whole shop and not just the items itself as he has oodles of such bargain priced gifties

Follow Us Marketplace

Follow Us Inworld

Blogging SL, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Follow Us/Me Again.

I’m starting to feel the Romance, finally.  For the men out there in SL or RL FFS give your OH a clue as to what you would like or else don’t sulk if you get nothing! as for mine he’s going to get a lovely package of the yummiest Brownies ever and if he knows whats good for him he will SHARE.

I’ve just done some of the larger Romantic items from Follow Us but not everyone has either the budget, prims or simply just prefer their love tokens to be more subtle and everything you need is here.


A simple Champers bucket.  Look closely and you can even see the bubbles in the glasses in SL they actually float upto the top so sweet.  There is a black bucket version and one with a glass of pink Champers and the traditional colour.


However there is no reason why you should just look at whats available in the Valentine House as there are equally as sweet and emm cheeky items inside the Mainshop.  This very sauce beauty box full of toys will either make her/him giggle but then again maybe it might also give your partner some very nice ideas.  The lid opens and shuts which means you can keep this out on your bedstand or dressing table so the contents are descretely hidden until you click the lid.


There is a whole collection of trays in the main shop which again for those on a budget or prim allowance will be a delightful treat.


This is why I love blogging Follow Us items, there always seems to be something that makes me chuckle.  This tray almost looks practical enough to put in your home or office until you look more closely.  Just beside the Teddy’s foot is some Condoms LOL  If you check out the pictures in front the one of the toddler having a tantrum is a good reminder to use those condoms LOL.  The photos come blank which you can see in the 3rd one but I decided to try to pop some pictures in them to see how easy it was and yup trust me if I can do it then you can too.

Now I’ve gone back for another look around the Valentine home and Laurent83 Waco is so sneaky, trays of heart-shaped cookies, boxes of chocolates lots of stuffed Teddies and on and on and sneakily placed amongst all of this sweetness is a bit of cheeky rudeness.  A box of chocolates and a certain pleasuring object, etc.  So you can be as suggestive or as sweet as you wish.

For those of you on an even smaller budget then make sure to either think about joining the Follow Us group which only cost 40Lds and there are oodles of GG’s set out or log into Laurents Marketplace shop.  He has some lovely items starting from just a single Linden and there is one of the simplest but I think sweetest gift you can give to either sex, Scrabble words on the stand which spells out “I l♥ve you”.

Again you’re going to shop inworld make sure to wear your Group Tag to get 20% discount on the Valentines goodies.

Follow Us Mainshop&Valentine House

Follow Us Marketplace

Blogging SL, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Follow me. (Be Quick).

I swear if a SL or RL man, or woman of course, went to all of this bother to stage a romantic evening he would score BIG with me!


OK my first reaction with the new Follow Us Valentines range was OMG so light and white so I packed it all back up and had a ponder and then it struck me…go with the flow.  So I dug out one of my brightest skyboxes and accentuated the purity even more.


The bed and candles are all mine but if you love the whole look just ask and I’ll be more than happy to let you know where they came from.  The table is of course pure Follow Us.  Gold cutlery, rosé wine and a big menu choice.  A waiting setting of a simple napkin, 6 main meals ranging from steak to Sushi, 2 cheese plate options and of course 5 sweet deserts options to choose from.


The oversized heart-shaped ottoman comes with 2 sets of poses, single and of course couples and rezzabables.  I did have a laugh as one of the single poses was checking your phone and just like RL I’d be a bit narked if my loved one checked his or her phone LOL.  Plenty of couple poses which although I’m a singleton and couldn’t check 100% they did look pretty good and I loved the rezzable Champagne bucket.

Make sure to check out the Follow Us Marketplace shop there is a whole load of goodies starting at only 1Ld and that inc some lovely Valentine pressies.  If you’re a Group Member, and it’s only 40Lds to join and there are oodles of Group Gifts waiting to be grabbed, make sure to wear your tag and you get a massive 20% off your Valentines purchases.  This discount doesn’t inc the mainshop or anything from the Valentines shop thats under 20Lds.  As usual Laurent has popped all of the smoochy stuff into a romantic house and not the Mainshop so when you land inworld just turn to your right and it’s there.  If you’ve not joined the Group as yet then go into the mainshop and turn right and then the GG joiner and all the gifts are in the very dark room…easy to see what I mean when you’re there in person.

I’m not going to show you all I’ve gotten from Follow Us in this post as I’ve got some seriously cute and smaller gifts to share with you.  So all of that comes in the next post but here is a quick bit of freeness if you’re after an outfit for the big day.


I had a little laugh with this one because it really looks like I’m the broken-hearted girl on the other side of the door wanting to get in and be wined and dined.

The dress, shoes and pose are freebies.  I saw the dress in Cocoro Lemons shop’s Coco Designs a while ago but this is the perfect time to wear it.  You will have to join the group but thats free and of course there is a whole line of really exc quality GG’s waiting to be grabbed. Then I went over to lindy Modern and Retro Shoe shop to find the “Add some red hunt 2” item and I failed,I did however find a blue crystal which is part of another hunt and it turned out to be the blood-red and NON SLink shoes I’m wearing.  If you have better luck than me and find both shoes then the “Red” hunt item looks like it’s a pair of SLink shoes so there is a pair of shoes for everyone.

The pose if a freebie from EMMEPOSES it even includes the hammer. Now I’m here LM grabbing I’ve spotted some more freebies on the desk inc a couple of sweet Valentine ones amongst them.

DOH time is running out, one of the things I love about Follow Us is that he caters for the SL men as well as SL women.  Laurent has put out this special offer for all lovers of Coffee, a coffee maker reduced from it’s normal price of 129Lds to 69Lds.  Sadly this was only for a limited time but since it and the other colours you can chose from are still there you still have plenty of time to snag this as a gift and best of all you can send it direct to your loved one, or treat yourself to a model, and as always Laurent delivers his goodies in a well packaged box so people will know they’re being treated.

Follow Us

Follow Us Marketplace

Coco Design

Add Some Red Hunt (Hints and LMs)
