Blogging SL, second life, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Oops, I did it again. (Freebie).

First the freebie.

And its this bustier top from the Hilly Haalan shop, so quality. I’m not going to lie I’m never a fan of a “faux tie” look so I was happy that by using the Hud it allowed me to change the colours of the tie to match the body and blend it in a bit more. The Hud of 20 shades lets you change the body, tie, buttons and collar bit. You have a big selection of plain shades as well as some very beachy polka dot ones.

As for the fits, there is a lot. You have: GenX Classic/Curvy Squishy/Curvy/Curvy Squishy, LaraX/LaraX Petite, Legacy/Legacy Nerido/Petite/Pinup, Maitreya/Petite & Reborn/Juicy Boobs.

As for the “Oops” I had decided to swop out my new home for yet another new home, its my SL addiction, only to find the new home was TWICE the prims I thought it was! So I’ve rezzed a classic Apple Fall house and will have fun decorating this until the next time I have a bright/dumb idea of getting a new house.

In my next post I might just take a couple of pictures of my SL homes.

Hilly Haalan.

Style Card:

Skin “YS & YS” Rosalie Tone 02 bomskin.
Shape My own.
Freckles Izzie’s & “YS &YS”

[HANDS] Legacy (f) (1.6)
CAZIMI: Mesh Nails – Ballerina Short – Legacy (L & R)
/ HEAD / lel EvoX KAYA 3.1
[+] Legacy (f) Optional Fit Deformer (Feet) (1.6)
[BODY] Legacy (f) Perky (1.6)
[hh] Judity Top LEGACY
TETRA – Idyllic Pants – Legacy