Blogging SL, second life, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Being Tough! (Flash Sale@David Heather, Time Limited).

Is there anyone in SL who doesn’t know the David Heather brand? Lucky us as there is a pretty generous 75% sale going on and I walked away with a whole load of demo clothing pieces and this.

A classic shoe fitters stool, only 4 prims. I think I paid 44Lds(?) for it as well.

Naturally most people will be interested in the clothing as the David Heather range is classic. From BOLD designs, totally wearable classics and for me the colour palette is perfect. There is also a big range of menswear in the same bold designs etc.

This sale is time limited so its on now and finishes on the 17th so don’t delay if you want to treat yourself.

David Heather.

Blogging SL, second life, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

I’ve given in.(Freebie(SS)).

The freebie is the outfit.

One of my fav shops is called Hitogata and as far as I can tell it sells nothing, it used to sell things but now it just has FREEBIES. I will say I did donate to the donation box as this shop over the years has given me such fun with their clothing.

This top and skirt is just one of many out of the box of gifts. I suspect I may have shown this to you before but I would have kept it as I have a folder of the Hitogata items I’ve picked up over the years but its not there so I may have accidentally deleted it. If you have seen this outfit before don’t worry as there is NEW stuff.

These outfit are not to be found anywhere else so not everything is to every ones taste or even body fit but I know you will have fun unpacking and going through them all to cherry pick, or should that be strawberry pick? your favourites.

Now for a couple of “Pay Attentions”.

The shop is the small bright pink one and the 2 boxes are obviously the gifts but also on the shelf are 2 small teddies, each has a gift in them for newer body fits.

The second “pay attention” is that with some items the delivery box is the teddy bear which is only 1 prim so will also make a cute decor item but the other delivery method is a small cube, teeny little thing lol. When you know that its easy to find.

PS. I forgot but I’m pretty sure this outfit also comes with a Hud, I know that when I’ve done my RL work and settle into SL I’m going to have fun checking everything out.


I just have to do an update to this post as I have finally worked my way though all of the gifts and what a relaxing time it has been. The Legacy/Perky fit is predominant but there are other sizes and again since its free try everything on even if its not your actual fit.

In this picture I’m wearing a couple of the gifts, the linen top and baggy pants. They’re in different gift boxes/rabbits. Anyhow I simply wanted to add an update to just try to encourage you to go and get the gifts and just check them out for yourself.


Style Card:

Skin “YS & YS” Rosalie Tone 02 bomskin.
Shape My own.
Freckles Izzie’s & “YS &YS”

[HANDS] Legacy (f) (1.6)
/ HEAD / lel EvoX KAYA 3.1
[BODY] Legacy (f) Perky (1.6)
[+] Legacy (f) Optional Fit Deformer (Feet) (1.6)
Ingenue :: Frida Sneakers [BELLEZA] :: FLF Mix
hitogata Strawberry SK1 for khara
hitogata Strawberry TOP1 for khara
bonbon – ichibebbies R (unrig)
bonbon – ichibebbies L (unrig)
bonbon – ichigo hair R (fit)