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Its a “Pay Attention” Post. (15Ld Group Gift(s) & Dollarbie).

It’s been a while since I last visited the Addams shop which is why I’ve missed the new Group Gifts.

This lovely white dress is just one of them and although the editing has added a shade to this dress it is pure white. We all know that certain shades in SL show quality or lack of quality such as black, grey or white…this is QUALITY! A deceptively simple sweet dress.

The fits are: Maitreya/Lara/Petite, Legacy/Perky, Kupra, Belleza Freya Ebody Reborn & GenX Classic/Curvy.

I’m adding an UPDATE/Pay Attention here because it turns out this bikini/shirt inworld Group Gift called Tiara is also on the Marketplace for just 1Ld. I think a lot of people may miss this excellent gift because there is no image to go with it and because its called Tiara you may think thats what you’re going to get when in fact you get the whole fatpack for just 1Ld.

It’s still worth while to join the Addams Group for all the gifts but if you’re on a super low budget then this for 1Ld is a real treat.

The Hud also allows you to not only change the colours of each part but you can wear the shirt only, bikini only, shirt & bra only etc.

There is another New gift of a leather top. The new gifts are on the front of the wall behind the reception desk but make sure to check out the back of that wall as that’s where you find this bikini/shirt combo.

PS. The title also is to remind us to check to see if we have any store credit/gift cards before we buy anything as I did and I have a LOT of store credit with Addams so its time for me to go shopping for myself.

Addams. (If the LM doesn’t take you to the front of the shop that is where you will find the gifts both on the front and back of the wall behind the reception desk).

Addams. (Marketplace)

Style Card:

Skin “YS & YS” Rosalie Tone 02 bomskin.
Shape My own.
Freckles Izzie’s & “YS &YS”

[BODY] Legacy (f) Perky (1.6)
Stealthic – Elation (S Head)
/ HEAD / lel EvoX KAYA 3.1
[+] Legacy (f) Optional Fit Deformer (Feet) (1.6)
CAZIMI: Mesh Nails – Ballerina Short – Legacy (L & R)
[HANDS] Legacy (f) (1.6)
ED. Sneakers Maitreya

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