Blogging SL, second life, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Relatable Me. (Dollarbie’s).

Well yes I am starting off with a reblog but I have a good excuse, they’re excellent.

Obviously the RL me is not this skinny, doesn’t have perfect skin or hair and as for my painting skill…amateurish at best BUT the I rock this vibe in RL.

The top and skirt come from two different shops and I’ve had them for so long and yet I still cannot part with them.

Now for the details.

The sweater is from the Justice shop. That group costs 1Lds to join and there are a lot of gifts but I didn’t see any new ones. What I did see was to the side of the wall of gifts are Lucky Chairs that have some interesting prizes. I did win a top which didn’t come in newer fits but still check out the gifts as there are some interesting ones and just because something doesn’t come in a range of fits doesn’t mean its not going to look good.

The fits for the sweater are: Freya, Hourglass/Physique, Isis, Maitreya & Venus.

The skirt is from the Osmia Marketplace shop. It is such a good staple skirt, long enough to cover your blushes, a big Hud of I think 28 colours and patterns so a perfect “go-to” skirt.

The fits are: Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra & Freya.

There are freebies in the Osmia shop of a knitted top and funky shoes both of which I have blogged.


Osmia. (Marketplace for the skirt).

Osmia. (Inworld).

Style Card:

Skin “YS & YS” Rosalie Tone 02 bomskin.
Shape My own.
Freckles Izzie’s & “YS &YS”

[HANDS] Legacy (f) (1.6)
/ HEAD / lel EvoX KAYA 3.1
[+] Legacy (f) Optional Fit Deformer (Feet) (1.6)
Platform Short Boots (Slink) (Gift)
OSMIA – Sadie.Skirt [Legacy] Group Gift
RAMA.SALON – Ashley Hair ‘S’
BALACLAVA!! Oliver Glasses & Shades (Jade)
[BODY] Legacy (f) Perky (1.6)
CAZIMI: Mesh Nails – Ballerina Short – Legacy (L & R)