Blogging SL, Uncategorized, Virtual Fashion Feed

Pink-a-licious !

Off to a good start ..I found the Reila Skins hunt and grabbed some sooper cute gifts! Theres quite  a few prizes , including a skin…Im showing the summer mesh dress (there is another hunt gift in store that gives you a purple version of this, RIGHT by where I located this one) plussss these terrific pink heels…yummmy huh? If I can find these gifts…so can you ! Youre looking for a slice of watermelon…all gifts are priced at zero Lindens hurrah!

I also scurried over and collected the four gifts in the Paper Doll was sooper easy to find these…youre looking for a shopping bag…I got these darling cherry undies…

and this sweet mesh dress called Perry…in hot hot hot pink…

next up I found my favourite …the mesh rosebud strapless frock…isnt it delicate? SLightly nipple revealing which is kinda cool…and a really quaint shabby chic style fabric..

Last of allll is the Dalia dress…a mixture of prim and mesh…really nicely done…dont those reila skins pumps go So well with it?  Totally fab hunt…thanks Paper Doll & Reila Skins ❤

Paper Doll

Reila Skins