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You are all wonderful…truly

The Home & Graden Expo dont give up

I checked in on the official website for the Home & Garden and Breedables Expo and W – O – W !

I was truly astounded by the amount raised for RFL and the American Cancer Society to date. There is still plenty of time to get over there and enjoy eleven sims of gorgeousness. It’s not only furniture, or plants…its SO much more, theres entertainment, talks, a stunning memorial garden. Iam always drawn to the sim that represents the American Cancer Society. It’s a beautiful & peaceful place and that’s where I took the photo above. It’s a hopeful photo (at least I feel so!), we mustn’t give up or lose hope, one day…one day…cancer will become something we “used” to know of…I believe that in my heart. Take a journey over, drop a few pennies in a donation box if you are able, or shop a little (more!)

much love…

Fai ❤

The Home & Garden and Breedables Expo web site (for landmarks, info and hunt details)

pssst. my dress is by Glow Designs, I thought the lively fresh print really shone through, and it made me feel SO ALIVE ! Currently available at the summer cart sale

Summer cart sale